
Sea Ice Consulting Norway

Sea-Ice Consulting Norway (SICON) is active within the fields research, consulting and education.

  • Research & Development: Participation in R & D projects (with industry and/or the public sector)
  • Consulting & Service: Consulting service and assistance, report and review writing, data collection and analysis
  • Education: Teaching and lectures at different levels (public lectures, school teaching, university, post-graduate)




Sea ice sampling/field techniques

  • Sea ice cores and their processing
  • Sample centrifugation
  • Laboratory-grown model ice
  • In situ measurements of physical properties
  • Ship-based observations
  • Airborne obsations
  • Remote sensing
  • Sea ice data bases

Atmosphere-ice-ocean interaction

  • Ice growth and melting
  • Oceanic and atmospheric boundary layers - heat and salt exchange with sea ice
  • Polynyas and leads - formation processes
  • Double diffusive processes during sea ice growth
  • Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ)
  • Waves in sea ice


Oceanography, ice-covered water

  • Hydrograhy and circulation in polynyas
  • Brine-induced Dense Shelf Water formation and circulation
  • Svalbard Waters hydrography
  • Barents Sea water mass distribution and circulation
  • Norwegian Atlantic Current
  • Arctic Ocean and Nordic Seas - Circulation


Sea-Ice Physics and Chemistry

  • Thermodynamic properties of ice and brine, freezing of seawater
  • Salinity and chemical composition
  • Ion fractionation and eutectic salt precipitation during freezing
  • Thermal properties
  • Mechanical properties
  • Optical properties
  • Electrical properties
  • Sea Ice carbonate system
  • Isotopic fractionation

(Sea) Ice Engineering

  • Forces on offshore structures
  • Mechanical Properties
  • Ship resistance and sea ice friction
  • Icing on ships
  • Bearing capacity
  • River Ice problems


Sea-ice geophysics

  • Sea ice drift
  • Deformation - ridging and rafting
  • Arctic Ocean and Nordic Seas sea ice extent
  • Ice age and ice types
  • Sea ice thickness distribution
  • Sea ice rheology
  • Remote sensing of sea ice thickness and concentration
  • Numerical sea ice models

Basic physics of ice

  • Crystal growth and nucleation
  • Physical properties of ice
  • Polycrystalline ice in the environment
  • River and lake ice
  • Snow, firn and glacier ice
  • Failure of ice
  • Ice friction

Interactions of oil and Sea ice

  • Behavior and fate of oil in ice
  • Oil drainage into the sea ice pore space
  • Oil detection in/under sea ice
  • Oil removal
  • Arctic oil exploration
  • Oil spill contingency and response scenarios


Sea ice and climate

  • Ice and sea ice on earth
  • Albedo/optical properties
  • Sea ice microstructure and chemistry - climate issues
  • Sea ice in climate models
  • Energy balance models (EBM) for the northern polar cap
  • Sea Ice and ice ages


Sea Ice Consulting Norway, Org.-Nr. 913041348, Contact us

Sea-Ice Microstructure

  • Brine and air pore space
  • Transport properties and convective stability of brine
  • Salinity and desalination
  • X-ray micro-tomography (XRT)
  • Synchrotron-based XRT
  • Frazil and snow ice
  • Microstructure of ice-water interface/ crystal growth/ morphological stability
  • Temperature-dependence and evolution of microstructure

The thematic tables below give an overview of SICON's expertise, interest and activities. The themes in bold denote where SICON may contribute actively with Research & Development, while for the other themes Consulting & Service as well as Education are offered. For more details please refer to the publications/presentations or contact us.